Agenda item

Quarterly Performance Monitor (a) and Quarterly Capital Programme (b)

The Cabinet Member for Finance will introduce the reports.


The Chairman of the Performance & Finance Scrutiny Committee will be invited to speak for up to three minutes to provide the views of their Committee on the content of the reports.


Each of the main minority group leaders will be invited to speak for up to three minutes each on the reports.


The Cabinet will then discuss the reports and the proposals prior to taking any decision.


76.1        Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Finance and Support Services. The report was introduced by Cllr Jeremy Hunt, Cabinet Member for Finance who highlighted the financial position and expected outturn for the council. An underspend was predicted however this was a changing picture due to covid expenditure and grants received. The pandemic had impacted some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) however broadly performance was pleasing.


76.2        Cllr Joy Dennis, Chairman of Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee noted the non-delivery of some savings and expressed concern about the Designated Schools Grant overspend and children’s services spend forecast.


76.3        Cllr Bob Lanzer, Cabinet Member for Economy and Corporate Resources highlighted the efficient work of IT and staff to enable safe working from home, which had resulted in an underspend. He advised the superfast fibre broadband project had achieved 96.7% coverage and rural business connectivity had been topped up. Staff appraisals, induction and training rates were good.


76.4        Cllr Jacquie Russell, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People advised that February saw a reduction in the number of children in care and work had helped to stabilise children in need whilst open and transparent managerial approaches had been embedded.


76.5        Cllr Amanda Jupp, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health noted the exception report which demonstrated an amber level of care homes at good or outstanding was due in part to fewer inspections being carried out currently and that work with the market was ongoing to address any quality challenges.


76.6        The Leader summarised that the QPM indicated the budget was likely to be met, thanked central government for its support at a critical time and that this had in turn enabled additional support for residents.


76.7        Resolved – that Cabinet:


1.        Notes the overall projected underspend position for 2020/21

2.        Notes the other performance information in the QPM, including the Performance Indicators, Workforce Key Performance Indicators and the Corporate Risk Register.


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