Venue: County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Part I |
Membership The Committee comprises Cllr Montyn (Chairman), Cllr Cornell, Cllr Dabell, Cllr Marshall, Cllr Mercer and Cllr Russell. |
Declarations of Interest Members and officers must declare any pecuniary or personalinterest in any business on the agenda. They should also make declarations at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting. Consideration should be given to leaving the meeting if the nature of the interest warrants it. If in doubt, contact Democratic Services before the meeting. |
Part II |
Exclusion of the Public The Committee is asked to consider in respect of the following items whether the public, including the press, should be excluded from the meeting on the grounds of exemption under Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as indicated below and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Appointment of Director of Children, Young People and Learning Timetable for the Committee, recruitment information and questions to candidates are attached for members of the Committee only.
The Committee is asked to consider the appointment of the Director of Children, Young People and Learning.
Exempt – Paragraph 1, information about an individual |