Venue: County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members and officers must declare any pecuniary or personalinterest in any business on the agenda. They should also make declarations at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting. Consideration should be given to leaving the meeting if the nature of the interest warrants it. If in doubt, contact Democratic Services before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 19.1 In accordance with the ‘Code of Conduct’, Part 5, Section 1 of the County Council’s Constitution, there were no declarations of interest made by members of the Committee in relation to personal or pecuniary interests. Cllr Paul Marshall, local Member for Storrington, declared a personal interest in planning application WSCC/028/21 because he was a resident of Hollow Lane in Washington from 2006 to 2022 and remains a Washington resident.
19.2 In accordance with paragraph 5.7 of the ‘Code of Practice on Probity and Protocol on Public Participation in Planning and Rights of Way Committees’, Part 5, Section 3 of the County Council’s Constitution, all Members present and also Cllr Paul Marshall stated that they had been lobbied regarding planning application WSCC/028/21. |
Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee PDF 125 KB The Committee is asked to
confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Additional documents: Minutes: 20.1 The Committee resolved:
That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held
on |
Urgent Matters Items not on the agenda that the Chairman of the Committee is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances. Additional documents: Minutes: 21.1 There were no urgent matters.
Public Rights of Way Service Annual Report 2023/24 PDF 68 KB Report by Assistant Director (Highways Transport and Planning).
The Committee is asked to note the following report:
West Sussex County Council Public Rights of Way Service Annual Report 2023/24 Additional documents: Minutes: West Sussex County Council Public Rights of Way Annual Report 2023/24
22.1 The Committee considered a report by the Principal Rights of Way Officer. The report was introduced by Nick Scott, Principal Rights of Way Officer, who outlined the key points. The Committee has been previously advised that some figures are for the calendar year 2023 and some for the 2023/24 municipal/financial year due to how matters are recorded. Thanks were also given to volunteers and to County Tree Surgeons in recognition of the work they undertake to help maintain the Public Rights of Way network (PROW network), and to Jane Noble, Senior Access Ranger, and the Business Support Team for their work on the transition of the CAMS system to the Confirm system. The Committee was advised of a correction to the Committee report, as follows:
· Paragraph 8.1 – the reference to “June 2022” should read 2023.
22.2 The Committee raised the points below and responses or clarification were provided by the Principal Rights of Way Officer, as noted below.
Systems Migration - CAMS to Confirm
Points raised – · What is the reason for the gap between the shutdown of CAMS and the Confirm start date? · How far in advance was it known that the Confirm start date would be delayed?
Response – · A clear date for the shutdown of CAMS was necessary, this was at the end of September. · The delay to the start of Confirm was notified fairly last minute, although the Principal Rights of Way Officer is not familiar with the technical reasons. A few staff do have experience of Confirm, however, training still needs to be undertaken. The delay is, in part, due to the availability of the external trainers from Confirm who provide a nationwide service. Confirm is due to go on-line towards the end of October. Interim procedures are in place.
Co-operation with South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA)
Point raised – Does the PROW Team work closely with SDNPA?
Response – The Team does work closely with SDNPA, including on consultations and improvements to the PROW network; however, as with the network across the whole county, much work is dependent on landowners and relationships with them are very important.
Replacement of stiles with gates
Points raised – · What is the reason for replacing stiles with gates? · Who pays for the replacement gates?
Response – · Stiles can restrict access to the countryside and can cause issues for people who are disabled or have mobility issues, or parents with children in prams. Where possible, landowners are encouraged to replace stiles with gates because this improves access. · The County Council funds the gates in order to encourage take up. Different style gates are available; choice can often be influenced by individual need, e.g. to safeguard livestock. Ongoing responsibility for and maintenance of the installed gates is passed to the landowner.
Customer Service
Points raised – · What is the definition of ‘resolved’ in terms of customer service enquiries? · What is the reason for the 60% increase ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
Registration of Land as a Town or Village Green PDF 121 KB WITHDRAWN (07/10/24)
The following agenda item is not in a position to be determined owing to some irregularities with application plans. It will be brought to Committee as soon as possible once these issues have been resolved.
Report by the Director of Law and Assurance.
The Committee is asked to consider and determine the following application:
Land known as Open Space adjacent to Nutham Lane and Cedar Drive, Southwater.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Application under S.15 of the Commons Act 2006 for the registration of land claimed to have become a town or village green. Land known as Open Space adjacent to Nutham Lane and Cedar Drive, Southwater
23.1 The Committee noted, as advised by email on 7 October 2024, that the application was not in a position to be determined owing to some irregularities with application plans. This means that the item has been withdrawn and would not be determined at this Committee meeting. It will be brought to Committee as soon as possible once these issues have been resolved.
23.2 The Committee sought clarification on the reasons for the withdrawal of the item, the lateness of the withdrawal and when the matter is likely to be reconsidered. Officers advised that it only came to light the day before the Committee meeting that there was incorrect delineation on plans. It is necessary to discuss this with the applicant and reconsult on the application. This is especially important because there is no right of appeal for town or village green applications. The Chairman advised that it is important that the correct details and processes are followed. The matter may be in a position to be reconsidered in December 2024 or January 2025; this may be subject to change.
23.3 Resolved –
The Committee noted that the application under S.15 of the Commons Act 2006 for the registration of land claimed to have become a town or village green, at land known as Open Space adjacent to Nutham Lane and Cedar Drive, Southwater, had been withdrawn.
23.4 The Committee recessed for lunch at 11.55 am and reconvened at 12.45 pm. |
Planning Application: Mineral and Waste PDF 257 KB Report by Head of Planning Services.
The Committee is asked to consider and determine the following application:
Planning application WSCC/028/21:
The continued winning, working and processing of sand from the existing Rock Common Quarry, the importation of inert classified engineering and restoration material, the stockpiling and treating of the imported material, the placement of the imported material within the quarry void and the restoration and landscaping of the quarry.
Rock Common Quarry,
The Hollow, Washington, Pulborough,
Additional documents:
Minutes: Planning Application WSCC/028/21: The continued winning, working and processing of sand from the existing Rock Common Quarry, the importation of inert classified engineering and restoration material, the stockpiling and treating of the imported material, the placement of the imported material within the quarry void and the restoration and landscaping of the quarry at Rock Common Quarry, The Hollow, Washington, Pulborough, RH20 3DA.
24.1 The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning Services, amended by changes to the proposed Conditions and Informatives as notified via the Agenda Update Sheet (copies appended to the signed minutes). The report was introduced by Chris Bartlett, Principal Planner, who outlined the details of the proposals, responses to consultations and the key considerations.
24.2 The clerk to the Committee read out a statement in objection to the application from Caroline Gosford, a local resident for 20 years and Secretary of Chanctonbury Landfill Action Group 3 (CLAG3). The proposals will make the area unsafe for road users, local residents, pedestrians and the local environment. Dangerous HGVs will travel via the A24, the A27 and the A283, through Steyning and Storrington, and will converge onto the Washington roundabout, a notorious traffic chokepoint and accident black spot. Increased traffic will create gridlock at peak times. A set of blind bends are already treacherous for road users in good road conditions with normal volumes of traffic. There are no safety considerations regarding the multiple crossing points. New speed restrictions on the A283 through Washington have just been announced on the grounds of protecting the safety of road users. Washington will be the primary route for significant additional construction traffic for Rampion 2 cabling. The House of Lords has supported a proposed law to ensure cleaner air to World Health Organisation standards. Increased traffic, exhaust gases/emissions and particulates have a detrimental impact on wellbeing and health, with children attending the village school and using the playing fields and local facilities being affected, as will already threatened local species. Increased noise pollution will affect public amenity. The estimate of 300 and 500 lorry movements per day is vague. There is no indication given about the distribution of movements across the day. HGVs will rumble through the local area for ten hours a day, six days a week. The construction industry is notorious for peaks and troughs of activity, driven by seasonality, demand and levels of investment. If the need for landfill is not sustained during the proposed period of operation, there is a very real prospect that it will continue beyond the proposed end date.
24.3 The clerk to the Committee read out a statement in objection to the application from Paul Holton, a local resident for 9 years,qualified in water and environmental management and working for 20 years in the water industry, and the technical lead for CLAG3. There is municipal waste leachate from the adjoining Windmill landfill site, including harmful acids and hydrocarbons that are soluble in water and could easily enter nearby watercourses ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
Date of Next Meeting PDF 59 KB The next meeting of the Committee will be held
at 10.30 am on Tuesday,
Report by the Head of Planning Services, Director of Law and Assurance and Assistant Director (Highways Transport and Planning).
The Committee is invited to ask about planned agenda items and to note the following report:
Current Planning Applications, Current Definitive Map Modification Orders (DMMOs), Town and Village Green Applications (TVGs) and Public Path Orders (PPOs) under investigation. Additional documents: Minutes: 25.1 The Committee noted that its next scheduled meeting would be held at 10.30 am on 5 November 2024 at County Hall, Chichester.
25.2 Officers advised that applications that may be ready for determination at the 5 November Planning and Rights of Way Committee include Definitive Map Modification Order applications: DMMO 7/19, Barnham; DMMO 1/20, Walberton/Yapton, and DMMO 3/21, Arundel and Ford. It should be noted that the scheduling of all applications may be subject to change.
25.3 The following matters were raised by the Committee and responses were noted:
· Page 113, Table 1 ‘Minerals and Waste’ (County Matter) Planning Applications, planning application WSCC/040/09/DIS1. It was queried if the date is correct and that this is a 2009 application. Planning Officers advised that this is a discharge of condition matter that does date from 2009. · Page 116, Table 2 ‘Regulation 3 Planning Applications’, planning application WSCC/023/24. It was queried if the location is wrong. Planning Officers advised that the address is incorrect and this relates to The Forest School in Horsham, not Boxgrove Quarry.
25.4 Resolved:-
The Committee noted the report ‘Current Planning applications, Current Definitive Map Modification Orders (DMMOs), Town and Village Green applications (TVGs) and Public Path Orders (PPOs) under investigation’, subject to the correction in bullet point 2 of Minute 25.3, above. |