Venue: County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members and officers must declare any pecuniary or personalinterest in any business on the agenda. They should also make declarations at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting. Consideration should be given to leaving the meeting if the nature of the interest warrants it. If in doubt please contact Democratic Services before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 15.1 No interests were declared. |
Urgent Matters Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances, including cases where the Committee needs to be informed of budgetary or performance issues affecting matters within its terms of reference, which have emerged since the publication of the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: 16.1 No urgent matters were raised. |
Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee PDF 100 KB The Committee is asked to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2024 (cream paper). Additional documents: Minutes: 17.1 Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2024 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. |
Responses to Recommendations PDF 135 KB The Committee is asked to note the responses to recommendations made at recent meetings. Additional documents: Minutes: 18.1 The Committee noted the responses to the recommendations made at previous meeting.
18.2 A member asked if the response to the recommendation on Operation Watershed, from the 4 March 2024 meeting, could bring any changes to the Terms of Reference to the Business Planning Group. Officers updated that currently the review of Operation Watershed was not yet programmed in the 2025-26 work programme due to other pressures.
18.3 A member asked when the outcome of the Schools Streets project would be available for the Committee to see. The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport reported the decision had been taken for another three schools to join the project.
18.4 Additional Highways Revenue Expenditure 2024-25 – An update on the expenditure would be considered by the Committee at the 3 March 2025 meeting together with preparation for any additional funding that might be made available in 2025-26. |
Bus Enhanced Partnership Plan Task and Finish Group The TFG last met on 31 May 2024. The Chairman, Cllr Oakley, will give a verbal update.
Under this item the Committee is also asked to scrutinise the sections of the report under item 7 relevant to the Highways and Transport portfolio. Additional documents: Minutes: 19.1 The Chairman of the Bus Enhanced Partnership Plan Task and Finish Group (BSIP TFG), Cllr Oakley, updated the Committee with the work of the TFG at their meeting on 31 May 2024, the outcomes of which were:
1. That the TFG has concerns in case there is a cliff-edge withdrawal for financial support in respect of the £2 fare cap and/or the 16-20 young persons’ scheme, and what mitigation was planned for either eventuality.
2. That the TFG has concerns about Stagecoach’s delay in producing their commercial network review, and the implications for the authority’s ability to develop BSIP Phase 2 plans.
3. That the TFG has concerns that the active and bus travel modelling presented by developers is actually realised and constrains the additional trips generated by private vehicles movements as predicted. Developers should demonstrate the impact of their travel plans following build out.
4. The TFG raised a question regarding to what degree will the measures arising from BSIP programmes contribute towards targets, within District and Borough Council Local Plans, for constraining the growth in private vehicle movements.
19.2 Members agreed that outcomes were areas of interest and needed to be followed up, which supported the TFG meeting again.
19.3 The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Cllr Joy Dennis reassured the Committee that the BSIP Board held regular meetings, to discuss the concerns above and how to plan to support future work and other initiatives.
19.4 Members were reassured that the onward maintenance liability for new enhanced infrastructure introduced under the BSIP programme was provided for and was regularly discussed at the TFG meetings.
19.5 A member asked how work was progressing on a hydrogen storage facility, to support the hydrogen buses in the north of the county? The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport reported that work was ongoing with the bus contractor, the local MP and the Health and Safety Executive, who were not currently able to approve the hydrogen storage facilities. Additionally, the bus provider has its own alternative plans if the Health and Safety Executive does not approve the proposed site.
19.6 A member asked the Cabinet Member about the recent Government announcement on plans for councils to be able to take over bus services and whether thought had been given to providing more rural routes. The Cabinet Member reported that there had been no information from Government yet and that legislation would need to be passed before any changes could be made. They also considered that there was a good commercial bus route system in the county, but that thought was already being given to the opportunity.
19.7 Members expressed concern that Section 106 monies used for sustainable transport improvements and travel plans for new development areas were not always being used effectively and asked whether the Committee might scrutinise this area. The Cabinet Member reported that an app system in the Kingwood Vale development area had been introduced, but it was difficult to produce evidence on the success of some ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
Halewick Lane Battery Storage Site PDF 86 KB Report by Assistant Director (Environment and Public Protection).
This item was added to the agenda at the request of the Committee. The Committee is asked to consider the progress achieved to date, and the amended design of the scheme going forward.
The key lines of enquiry are:
· Whether the significant risks have been identified, and the effectiveness of actions planned to manage these.
· The cost, financial benefit and/or savings implications of the proposal, how it represents good value and whether sufficient resources are available to support implementation.
· How evidence or learning from other areas that have implemented similar proposals/strategy have been considered.
Under this item the Committee is also asked to scrutinise the sections of the report under item 7 relevant to the Environment and Climate Change portfolio. Additional documents: Minutes: 20.1 The Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, Cllr Urquhart, introduced the report highlighting that since the start of the project, which aimed to provide resilience to the National Grid through storing electricity in lower usage periods and releasing during higher demand periods, energy prices had increased dramatically over the Covid pandemic period and the invasion of Ukraine. The efficacy of the project had been retested and this proved to be still viable, so the project had proceeded to procurement, but that global uncertainties and price risks had caused the contractor to withdraw. Officers had taken the opportunity to recheck the market with guidance from industry experts, the National grid position, and improvements in technology e.g. in the number of suppliers, batteries technology, etc. This had confirmed that the County Council installing a battery storage facility, using 2-hour batteries, was now considered the best option. The country is moving towards local energy action plans and micro grids, and more local storage would become necessary.
20.2 The Halewick Lane site is a redundant landfill site which is still releasing gases and was not of interest to developers, even with planning consents, on the open market and incurs a cost for the County Council annually. The scheme was therefore considered the best use of this land. Once battery storage buildings are in place there would be minimal cost to maintain the site and the woodland surrounding three sides of the site.
20.3 Members of the Committee gave comments and asked questions and a summary of those questions and answers follows.
20.4 Sensitivity analysis had been undertaken with independent consultants. The Capital Assets Board had reviewed more detailed analysis. Action: Officers agreed to share with the Committee additional information on that work including the costs of 3- and 4-hour battery schemes.
20.5 The proposed Rampion 2 wind farm would not feed into this storage facility as it would be too powerful and has its own storage system which bypasses the National Grid. The Halewick Lane battery storage site would be a 16-mega-watt site connected to into Worthing B substation which could carry 90-mega-watts of power. This adds a degree of resilience to the local network, enables more renewables into the system, allows more individual units to develop in the area and saves repeated excavation of road surfaces to lay cables.
20.6 A member raised a question on the fire safety of the battery storage site and officers explained that the static batteries would be of the highest quality and would be housed in a building which is closely monitored for humidity and temperature changes. The tier 1 battery supplier will provide a warranty for the system for the first 10 years of its life. In addition, an Operation and Maintenance contract will be in place which will constantly monitor the systems performance and safety. The Fire and Rescue Service have been a consultee on the approved planning application and will be for any future planning amendments at detailed design stage.
20.7 The ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Performance and Resources Report - Quarter 1 - 2024/25 PDF 81 KB Report by Director of Finance and Support Services, setting out the finance and performance position as at the end of June 2024.
The Committee is asked to examine the County Council’s corporate performance, finance, savings delivery and business performance for services within the remit of this Committee and to make any recommendations for actions to the relevant cabinet member.
Under this item the Committee is asked to scrutinise the sections of the report under item 7 relevant to the Communities portfolio. Additional documents:
Minutes: 21.1 Members reviewed the Quarter 1 Performance and Resources Report and members of the Committee asked questions and a summary of those questions and answers follows.
21.2 KPI 33 and New Record Office website – Officers were pleased that there had been a visible uptake in the use of the website since its launch at the end of June. They were also looking to use the website for booking events and sales, with hopes that the Christmas period might generate more income. A review of income generation at the Record Office and Edes House was taking place with a desire to increase levels in the future. Exact contact figures for the website were not available at the meeting. Action: To provide data on traffic using the new website to the Committee.
21.3 The £30k funding received for a pilot adult literacy support project had given time for librarian research to produce resources to support the project. The Library Service were looking at ways to expand the approach, either focussed cohorts or open to all, in a way that is complimentary to existing services and volunteer programmes. More details would be available in the quarter 2 report. Action: Officers agreed to share data on the scale of adult literacy across West Sussex with the Committee.
21.4 Household Support Fund (HSF) – The recent announcement of the extension of the HSF until the end of March 2025 has not yet been followed up with any detail from the Government. The Community Hub can be flexible with support to continue this work. It is anticipated there may be a greater focus on pensioners and energy following the removal of the Winter Fuel payment and the increasing levels of energy prices. It is anticipated that holiday support for children entitled to Free School Meals would continue. Members were keen to know if programme continuity could be maintained and the capacity of delivery partners would be available.
21.5 Under the Homes for Ukraine scheme visitors are still arriving in the county. The schemes for asylum-seeking refugees are run by the Government, including accommodation schemes, which have no financial burden on the County Council. Due to a significant number of global insecurities there are expected to be more arrivals of refugees, but this has slowed due to delays in moving them between countries. These schemes are tariff-based on the number of people arriving and there is sufficient capacity in the team to deliver this work.
21.6 Resolved – That the Committee:
1. Welcomes the increased usage of the new Record Office website.
2. Looks forward to further updates on the extension of the Household Support Fund in future Performance and Resources Reports.
Environment and Climate Change
21.7 The recent change of Government has not led to any further announcement on the collection of Food Waste. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is still working to the policies of the previous Government for local waste collection authorities to specifically collect food waste ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Requests for Call-in There have been no requests for call-in to the Scrutiny Committee and within its constitutional remit since the date of the last meeting. The Director of Law and Assurance will report any requests since the publication of the agenda papers. Additional documents: Minutes: 22.1 There have been no requests for call-in to the Scrutiny Committee within its constitutional remit since the date of the last meeting. |
Work Programme Planning and Possible Items for Future Scrutiny PDF 49 KB The Committee is asked to agree its current draft work programme (attached at Appendix A and B), taking into account the Forward Plan of key decisions within its remit (attached at Appendix C) and any suggestions from its members for possible scrutiny taking into account the attached scrutiny checklist (attached at Appendix D). Additional documents:
Minutes: 23.1 The Committee reviewed the Work Programme and the Forward Plan of key decisions and:
23.2 Noted that the Road Safety Strategy would now be considered at the meeting on 25 November 2024, in place of the update on Electric Vehicle chargepoint installations.
23.3 Asked that the Business Planning Group be briefed on the Highways Flood Prevention work and its links with Operation Watershed, including Operation Watershed terms of reference review.
23.4 A259 Bognor Regis to Littlehampton Corridor enhancement scheme – The Chairman agreed to ask the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport whether there might be any change to the scheme under the new Government given it is dependent upon Government funding. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Committee will be held on 25 November 2024 at 10.30 am at County Hall, Chichester. Probable agenda items include:
· Performance and Resources Report – Quarter 2 – 2024-25 · Serious Violence · Electric Vehicle Chargepoint progress report · Network Management Policy · Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Strategy
Any member wishing to place an item on the agenda for the meeting must notify the Director of Law and Assurance by Monday 11 November 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: 24.1 The date of the next meeting would be held on 25 November 2024 at 10.30am. |