Venue: County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ
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No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: 30.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Baldwin, Cllr Britton, Cllr Condie, Cllr Greenway, Cllr Hall, Cllr Kerry-Bedell, Cllr Mitchell, Cllr Oxlade, Cllr Payne, Cllr Pendleton and Cllr Richardson. Cllr Oppler gave his apologies and arrived at 11.30 am.
30.2 Apologies for the afternoon session were received from Cllr Forbes and Cllr Gibson. Cllr N Dennis gave his apologies and left at 3.30 pm. Cllr Dunn, Cllr Evans and Cllr Linehan were absent for the afternoon session.
30.3 Cllr Mercer and Cllr Milne left at 4.00 pm, Cllr O’Kelly and Cllr Oppler left at 4.15 pm, Cllr Sharp left at 4.30 pm and Cllr Turley left at 4.35 pm. |
Members are asked to disclose any pecuniary or personal interests in matters appearing on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: 31.1 Members declared interests as set out at Appendix 1. |
The Council is asked to confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the County Council held on 19 July 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: 32.1 The Chairman reported that the list of members who attended the meeting on page 7 should include Cllr Oakley. With that amendment, it was agreed that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the County Council held on 19 July 2024 (pages 7 to 22) be approved as a correct record. |
Review of Proportionality PDF 101 KB The County Council has a statutory duty to review the proportionality on its committees following the recent change in group affiliation of Cllr Bence. An explanation of the proportionality rules and how they are applied, together with a table showing the number of seats on committees as a result of the review, is attached. Additional documents: Minutes: 33.1 The County Council noted the review of proportionality on its committees following the recent change in group affiliation of Cllr Bence. A paper on the application of the proportionality rules and how they were applied, together with a table showing the number of seats on committees as a result of the review, was set out on pages 3 and 4 of the supplementary agenda.
33.2 Resolved –
That the proportionality be approved. |
To consider any proposed changes to appointments. Any proposals will be circulated and changes will take effect from the end of the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 34.1 The Council approved appointments as set out below.
Address by a Cabinet Member At the discretion of the Chairman, to receive an address by a Cabinet Member on a matter of urgency and/or significant interest to the County Council and which relates to the powers and responsibilities of the County Council or which affects the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: 35.1 Members received an address by the Cabinet Member for Community Support, Fire and Rescue on the recent inspection results from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies and Fire & Rescue Services.
35.2 In response to a question from Cllr Cherry, the Cabinet Member agreed to supply cost figures related to work by Atkins Realis in the Fire and Rescue Service building design and delivery. |
Corporate Parenting Panel Annual Report PDF 69 KB The Council is asked to consider and note the Corporate Parenting Report for Children We Care For and Care Leavers September 2024 which outlines the range of activities and impact of the Corporate Parenting Panel over the last year and the areas of focus for the next 12 months. Additional documents:
Minutes: 36.1 The Chairman of the Corporate Parenting Panel introduced the report which outlined the range of activities and impact of the Panel over the last year and areas of focus for the next 12 months (pages 23 to 82).
36.2 Resolved -
That the Corporate Parenting Report for the Children We Care For and Care Leavers: September 2024, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, be noted. |
The Council is asked to consider amendments to Financial Regulations, in connection with the administration of the Pension Fund, and a consequential addition to the terms of reference of the Pensions Committee, in the light of a report by the Regulation, Audit and Accounts Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: 37.1 The Council considered amendments to Financial Regulations, in connection with the administration of the Pension Fund, and a consequential addition to the terms of reference of the Pensions Committee, in the light of a report by the Regulation, Audit and Accounts Committee on pages 83 to 88.
37.2 Resolved –
(1) That the amendments to Financial Regulations, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved; and
(2) That the addition to the terms of reference of the Pensions Committee in the Scheme of Delegation, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved. |
Report of Urgent Action PDF 73 KB To note urgent action taken under regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. Additional documents: Minutes: 38.1 The report of urgent action taken under regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 (pages 89 and 90) was noted. |
Questions to the Leader and Cabinet Members on matters in the Cabinet report, written questions and any other questions relevant to their portfolios. Members may also ask questions of the Leader on anything current and relevant to the County Council. The report covers portfolio-related business since the meeting of the Council on 19 July 2024. A supplementary report may be published.
(2 hours is allocated for Question Time) Additional documents:
Minutes: 39.1 Members asked questions of members of the Cabinet on matters relevant to their portfolios, as set out at Appendix 3. This included questions on those matters contained within the Cabinet report (pages 91 to 96) and a supplementary report (supplement page 15) and written questions and answers pursuant to Standing Order 2.38 (set out at Appendix 2). |
Motion on Winter Fuel Payments PDF 84 KB To debate the following motion, submitted by Cllr Ali, notice of which was given on 20 September 2024.
‘This Council notes:
(a) The Labour Government’s recent decision to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit, as announced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, which impacts up to 180,000 pensioners in West Sussex.
(b) The estimated impact of this decision, which Age UK says will mean two million pensioners who badly need the money to stay warm this winter will not receive it.
(c) The significant role that Winter Fuel Payments play in helping older residents of West Sussex and across the UK afford heating during the coldest months, thereby preventing ‘heat or eat’ dilemmas and safeguarding health.
(d) The criticism from Age UK and other charities, highlighting the social injustice and potential health risks posed by this sudden policy change.
(e) The additional strain this decision will place on vulnerable pensioners, many of whom do not claim Pension Credit despite being eligible, further exacerbating their financial hardship.
(f) That six of the nine MPs whose constituencies are within West Sussex, voted in parliament on 10 September 2024 to stop the removal of the Winter Fuel Allowance, but that three did not - the Labour MPs for Crawley, East Worthing and Shoreham, and Worthing West.
This Council believes:
(i) That the Winter Fuel Payment has been a lifeline for many older people across West Sussex and the UK, and that restricting its availability solely to those on Pension Credit risks leaving many pensioners in financial hardship.
(ii) While some pensioners currently in receipt of the Winter Fuel Payment may not require it, many thousands across West Sussex sit just above the cut-off for Pension Credit and will now lose their allowance.
(iii) The decision to means-test Winter Fuel Payments, especially with such short notice and without adequate compensatory measures, is deeply unfair and will disproportionately affect the health and wellbeing of our poorest older residents.
(iv) The Government’s approach fails to consider the administrative barriers and stigma that prevent eligible pensioners from claiming Pension Credit, leaving many without the support they desperately need.
This Council resolves to:
(1) Request the Cabinet Member for Community Support, Fire and Rescue, to bring forward a Council-led local awareness campaign to alert those eligible for Pension Credit, which in some respects will help access to the Winter Fuel Payment for those most in need, including highlighting the advice and support available at our West Sussex libraries and our Community Hub.
(2) Encourage the Cabinet to promote local efforts to increase Pension Credit uptake through council services and partnerships, including with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in West Sussex are supported in claiming their entitlement.
(3) Commit the Council to signing the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition being run by Age UK, with the Leader signing on behalf of the Council, and to write to all members offering them ... view the full agenda text for item 40. Additional documents:
Minutes: 40.1 The following motion was moved by Cllr Ali and seconded by Cllr Dabell.
‘This Council notes:
(a) The Labour Government’s recent decision to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit, as announced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, which impacts up to 180,000 pensioners in West Sussex.
(b) The estimated impact of this decision, which Age UK says will mean two million pensioners who badly need the money to stay warm this winter will not receive it.
(c) The significant role that Winter Fuel Payments play in helping older residents of West Sussex and across the UK afford heating during the coldest months, thereby preventing ‘heat or eat’ dilemmas and safeguarding health.
(d) The criticism from Age UK and other charities, highlighting the social injustice and potential health risks posed by this sudden policy change.
(e) The additional strain this decision will place on vulnerable pensioners, many of whom do not claim Pension Credit despite being eligible, further exacerbating their financial hardship.
(f) That six of the nine MPs whose constituencies are within West Sussex, voted in parliament on 10 September 2024 to stop the removal of the Winter Fuel Allowance, but that three did not - the Labour MPs for Crawley, East Worthing and Shoreham, and Worthing West.
This Council believes:
(i) That the Winter Fuel Payment has been a lifeline for many older people across West Sussex and the UK, and that restricting its availability solely to those on Pension Credit risks leaving many pensioners in financial hardship.
(ii) While some pensioners currently in receipt of the Winter Fuel Payment may not require it, many thousands across West Sussex sit just above the cut-off for Pension Credit and will now lose their allowance.
(iii) The decision to means-test Winter Fuel Payments, especially with such short notice and without adequate compensatory measures, is deeply unfair and will disproportionately affect the health and wellbeing of our poorest older residents.
(iv) The Government’s approach fails to consider the administrative barriers and stigma that prevent eligible pensioners from claiming Pension Credit, leaving many without the support they desperately need.
This Council resolves to:
(1) Request the Cabinet Member for Community Support, Fire and Rescue, to bring forward a Council-led local awareness campaign to alert those eligible for Pension Credit, which in some respects will help access to the Winter Fuel Payment for those most in need, including highlighting the advice and support available at our West Sussex libraries and our Community Hub.
(2) Encourage the Cabinet to promote local efforts to increase Pension Credit uptake through council services and partnerships, including with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in West Sussex are supported in claiming their entitlement.
(3) Commit the Council to signing the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition being run by Age UK, with the Leader signing on behalf of the Council, and to write to all members offering them the opportunity to sign ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
To debate the following motion, submitted by Cllr Oakley, notice of which was given on 20 September 2024.
‘In July, the Government announced the cancellation of the proposed Arundel By Pass improvement scheme. The Government took the decision without consulting the relevant local authorities or businesses and did not offer any other compensation measures to alleviate the growing congestion along the A27 corridor from Chichester to Shoreham and the consequent increasing pressure on the local road network. Improvements to the A27 in West Sussex have been frequently cited by local businesses as their main priority in order to improve productivity and economic growth along this part of the South coast. These issues will be compounded by government proposals with regards increased housing development targets.
This Council therefore agrees to request that the Leader, on behalf of the Council:
(1) Writes to the Prime Minister expressing the gravest concern of the Council and local businesses regarding the cancellation, including the lack of consultation and alternative measures to alleviate the issues caused by the West Sussex section of the A27’s lack of capacity.
(2) Requests a meeting between the County Council and other parties with the Highways Minister in order to discuss government plans to provide real and lasting improvements (beyond minor Local Plan-led mitigations) to enable a long term resolution to congestion and safety issues along the West Sussex section of the A27.’ Additional documents:
Minutes: 41.1 The following motion was moved by Cllr Oakley and seconded by Cllr McDonald.
‘In July, the Government announced the cancellation of the proposed Arundel By Pass improvement scheme. The Government took the decision without consulting the relevant local authorities or businesses and did not offer any other compensation measures to alleviate the growing congestion along the A27 corridor from Chichester to Shoreham and the consequent increasing pressure on the local road network. Improvements to the A27 in West Sussex have been frequently cited by local businesses as their main priority in order to improve productivity and economic growth along this part of the South coast. These issues will be compounded by government proposals with regards increased housing development targets.
This Council therefore agrees to request that the Leader, on behalf of the Council:
(1) Writes to the Prime Minister expressing the gravest concern of the Council and local businesses regarding the cancellation, including the lack of consultation and alternative measures to alleviate the issues caused by the West Sussex section of the A27’s lack of capacity.
(2) Requests a meeting between the County Council and other parties with the Highways Minister in order to discuss government plans to provide real and lasting improvements (beyond minor Local Plan-led mitigations) to enable a long term resolution to congestion and safety issues along the West Sussex section of the A27.’
41.2 An amendment was moved by Cllr Bence and seconded by Cllr Markwell.
‘In July, the Government announced the cancellation of the proposed Arundel By Pass improvement scheme, acknowledging that the costs have increased from £320m to £630m resulting in the project offering low value for money. The Government took the decision without consulting the relevant local authorities or businesses and did not offer any other compensation measures to alleviate the growing congestion along the A27 corridor from Chichester to Shoreham and the consequent increasing pressure on the local road network. Improvements to the A27 in West Sussex have been frequently cited by local businesses as their main priority in order to improve productivity and economic growth along this part of the South coast. These issues will be compounded by government proposals with regards increased housing development targets.
This Council therefore agrees to request that the Leader, on behalf of the Council:
(1) Writes to the Prime Minister expressing the gravest concern of the Council and local businesses regarding the cancellation, including the lack of consultation and alternative measures to alleviate the issues caused by the West Sussex section of the A27’s lack of capacity.
(2) Requests a meeting between the County Council and other parties with the Highways Minister in order to discuss government plans to provide real and lasting improvements (beyond minor Local Plan-led mitigations) to enable a long term resolution to congestion and safety issues along the West Sussex section of the A27 and protect the character and environment of the villages and communities around the A27 from threats such as increased rat-running.’ ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |