Committee Membership
The Committee to note the appointment of Cllr Graham McKnight in place of Cllr B Cooper, Cllr Baldwin as the second Conservative substitute and to approve the latest confirmed co-optee appointments as follows: -
Cllr Adam Peacock - Mid Sussex District Council
Cllr Ian Irvine – Crawley Borough Council
Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies – Worthing Borough Council
Additional documents:
20.1 Resolved – that the Committee notes its revised membership.
Committee Membership
The Committee to note the appointment of Cllr Graham McKnight in place of Cllr B Cooper, Cllr Baldwin as the second Conservative substitute and to approve the latest confirmed co-optee appointments as follows: -
Cllr Adam Peacock - Mid Sussex District Council
Cllr Ian Irvine – Crawley Borough Council
Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies – Worthing Borough Council
Additional documents: