Issue - meetings

Total Performance Monitor and Capital Programme Quarter 4

Meeting: 26/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Total Performance Monitor and Capital Programme Quarter 4 (CAB02_20/21) pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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Following consideration of the report, Cabinet resolved:


1.   To note the information contained in the Total Performance Monitor in particular the requirement to utilise reserves to meet the expenditure requirement and

2.   To agree the allocation of the contingency budget set out in paragraph 1.8 of the report.


The call-in deadline is 4 June 2020.


10.1 The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Finance and Support Services.


10.2   The report was introduced by Cllr Jeremy Hunt, Cabinet Member for Finance, who advised the outturn position was in line with predictions and the £6.3m overspend was proposed to be balanced from reserves.


10.3   Investment in improvement plans in the Fire and Rescue and Children’s Services were running on course, however it had been a challenging year both financially and operationally. Savings of £6.7m had not been achieved. Next year’s budget would require difficult decisions to be made. Pressures would continue to grow owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.


10.4   A supported review of the Capital Programme was required, which would involve consideration of corporate transformation and key performance indicators.


10.5   The Medium-Term Financial Strategy would address continuing pressures including plans to rebuild reserves in the context of the challenges presented by Covid-19. The anticipated cost of the pandemic to West Sussex in 2021 was in the region of £75-80m.  Arising issues had been identified with prompt and decisive action taken to mitigate these risks, and the service had done well to estimate the size of the overspend.


10.6   Cllr Joy Dennis, Chairman of the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee noted the current TPM results did not reflect the current emergency, however noted the improvements in the FRS and Children’s services. The Committee felt the West Sussex Plan should be reviewed and refreshed as appropriate.


10.7   Cllr Michael Jones, Leader of the Labour Group raised the One Public Estate proposals in Littlehampton and the adequacy of healthcare facilities.


10.8   Cllr Paul Marshall, Leader, summarised that the improvement programmes had incurred additional costs and presented growing challenges. Covid-19 was likely to continue to be prevalent for 18 months or longer and that this would feature alongside existing priorities. The Leader agreed it was necessary to reset the West Sussex Plan with a draft in the coming months.


10.9   Resolved – that Cabinet:


1.   Noted the information contained in the Total Performance Monitor in particular the requirement to utilise reserves to meet the expenditure requirement and

2.   Agreed the allocation of the contingency budget set out in paragraph 1.8 of the report.