Decision details

Award of Contracts for Highway Maintenance Services OKD24_19-20

Decision Maker: Director of Highways, Transport and Planning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is a designated Highways Authority under the Highways Act 1980 and has a duty to maintain highways maintainable at public expense.


Following the abandonment of procurement for highway services in 2018, The County Council has retained Balfour Beatty Living Places to continue to provide necessary services under an interim arrangement pending a new and full procurement.


Using a model derived from a subsequent Options Appraisal report and further market insight engagement, WSCC.  The County Council published the requisite OJEU notice and commenced formal procurement on 22 July 2019.  The services have been procured in six separate Lots;


1.          Core Maintenance

2.          Drainage Cleansing

3.          Hedge Maintenance and Grass Cutting

4.          Carriageway and Footway Resurfacing

5.          Carriageway Micro and Carriageway & Footway Treatments

6.          Highway Improvements

Compliant tenders have been received against all Lots and a full and detailed evaluation and moderation process has been duly followed resulting in the recommendations of this Key Decision report.


Recommendations:  That the Director of Highways, Transport and Planning:

1.   Awards the following single supplier contracts for highways maintenance services of 5 years with options to extend to a maximum of 10 years, to commence 01 April 2020:

·       Lot 1: Core Services: Balfour Beatty Living Places

·       Lot 2: Drainage Cleansing: Drainline Southern Ltd

·       Lot 3: Hedge Maintenance & Grass Cutting: Grasstex Ltd

2.   Appoints the following contractors to a four-year Framework Agreement to commence 01 April 2020 for capital works for highways:


·       Lot 4: Carriageway & Footways Resurfacing:

          Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

          Associated Asphalt Contracting Ltd

          Balfour Beatty Living Places

          FM Conway Ltd

          Tarmac Trading Limited


·       Lot 5: Carriageway Surface Dressing and Carriageway & Footways Treatments

          Colas Limited

          Eurovia Infrastructure Limited

          JPCS Limited

          Kier Highways Limited

          Road Maintenance Services Limited


·       Lot 6: Infrastructure Improvements – Planned Works

          Balfour Beatty Living Places

          Dyer & Butler Ltd

          Jackson Civil Engineering Group Ltd

          Landbuild Ltd

          Tarmac Trading Limited


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 20/11/2019

Date of decision: 20/11/2019

Effective from: 02/12/2019

Accompanying Documents: