Decision details

Planning Applications: Minerals

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


WSCC/044/18/SR   Continuation of working the mineral (sand extraction), but with an enhanced restoration scheme for nature conservation and informal recreation involving the importation of 1.8 million tonnes of inert material over a period of eleven years.  Sandgate Park Quarry, Water Lane, Sullington, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 4AS


100.1     The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning Services, as amended by the agenda update sheet (copy appended to the signed copy of the minutes).  The report was introduced by Chris Bartlett, Principal Planner, who gave a presentation on the proposals, details of the consultation and key issues in respect of the application.


100.2     A statement in objection to the application from Mr and Mrs Lawrence, residents of Storrington, was read out.  They dread the proposed landfilling, but support the plans for Sandgate Country Park.  They have concerns about how the Country Park will be delivered; the planning application should set out how it will be implemented.  The proposals for the grassland areas are in conflict with the existing S.106 agreement with Horsham District Council, which requires public paths and open access.  However, the application scheme is superior, but land must be free of people and dogs to allow wildlife to thrive.  The Committee Report does not provide details of existing background noise levels, being based on noise level conditions from some years ago.  Noise readings were taken in the middle of the day; there is no assessment of the impact during noise sensitive hours (early hours until 7.30 a.m.).  Staff often arrive before the 7 a.m. start of site operating hours.  The 70 dBh level, which has not been consulted on, will have a harmful effect; a noise expert should advise the County Council on the impacts.  Mr and Mrs Lawrence also have concerns about vibration, air pollution and ecology.


100.3     Helen Hudson of Hudson Planning, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  The application seeks to change the existing approved restoration plan and deliver an improved scheme in terms of environment and community benefits; it will greatly improve biodiversity; provide more interesting and connective footpaths, and overall there will be a softer shaped restored landform with additional features and it will extend the area of Sandgate Country Park.  Extraction the remaining 1.4 million tonnes of sand is permitted until 2042, but at a rate of 140,000 tonnes per annum this should finished in approximately 10 years.  1.8 million tonnes of inert material would be imported at a rate of 250,000 to 350,000 tonnes per annum over an 11 year period, slowing towards the end, resulting in an additional 134 vehicle movements per day - a worst case scenario.  A proposed S.106 routing agreement will mean vehicles would travel south on Water Lane and east on the A283 to the A24.  Number plate recognition technology will be used.  There will be no adverse impact on the environment or community.  Mitigation measures are built in.  The applicant is in discussion with Horsham District Council about the future of Sandgate Country Park.


100.4   A statement from Mr Paul Marshall, member for Storrington was read out.  In principle, he has no objections to the application because it will enhance the site for local use on completion.  A clear traffic plan should be in place to avoid increasing pollution levels particularly through Storrington Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).  All HGVs should use the wheel washer.  The concrete crusher should be located where it minimises environmental noise; relocation should be agreed with the Planning Authority.  Hours of use should be restricted to 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays only.  Due to safety concerns about mature trees on Water Lane being at risk from HGV movements and vibrations, a S.106 should be secured to monitor the trees and provide for tree work to be undertaken.


100.5   In response to certain points raised by speakers, Planning Officers provided clarification as below.  Other points raised by speakers were covered during the debate by the Committee:


·         Regarding the future responsibility for Sandgate Country Park, condition 5, the Ecological Management and Aftercare Plan allows for “provision of biodiversity and habitat management details for the 5 year period after restoration”, but the future ownership and responsibility for the Country Park is outside the remit of this application and not a material consideration.

·         Regarding the claim of conflict with the S.106 agreement with Horsham District Council, updated plans (shown to the Committee) are tied into the existing S.106 agreement.

·         Regarding noise, the Environmental Health Officer is satisfied with the assessment that has been carried out and also with the recommended conditions, which allow for enforcement action should there be an issue with noise.


100.6   During the debate the Committee raised the points below and clarification was provided by the Planning Officers, where applicable:


Highway capacity, routeing and Storrington AQMA

Points raised – Will HGVs be required to use the A24 and will there be a sign at the entrance directing HGVs towards the A24?  What will prevent HGVs from travelling through Storrington and causing an adverse impact on the AQMA, and what assessments have been carried out in this respect?  Does the routeing agreement apply to HGV movements for sand extraction?  Would HGV movements of loads of rejected materials be included in the routeing agreement, and what numbers would this involve?

Response –A S.106 routing agreement, which only applies to HGV movements for the infilling operations, will require HGVs to use Water Lane (an advisory HGV route), the A283 and the A24.  It will ensure HGVs do not travel north along Water Lane or through the centre of Storrington, thereby avoiding the AQMA.  The routeing agreement would not apply to existing HGV movements for sand extraction, meaning these HGV’s could travel through Storrington village.  However, all HGV’s associated with the sand extraction operation are Euro VI compliant (a European emissions standard).  A sign will be placed at the site entrance.  There is no limit on HGV movements, but average movements for both operations have been provided.  Loads of rejected materials would be very small in number and, therefore, would have little impact on HGV movements.


Air Quality - other

Points raised – To protect air quality a condition should be included restricting burning at the site.  Reassurance was sought that the proposals will not fall foul of air quality legislation.

Response –Condition 19 – Permitted Restoration Materials states that imported and on-site materials should be inert, so there would be very little flammable material on site.  The Environmental Health Officer did not raise any concerns that the proposals would breach any air quality legislation.



Points raised – Concerns were raised in relation noise, with reference to Paul Marshall's statement: can the wheel wash be moved and can concrete processing be mitigated further through more restricted hours?

Response – Expected noise levels are based on the use of all equipment at the same time and are a worst case scenario.  The requirements in condition 6 – Noise Management Plan plus the additional noise bund and noise level limits will be sufficient to manage noise emissions.


Public Right of Way

Point raised – Will walkers be restricted by the proposed new footpath entrance to the public right of way?

Response – The proposals should not affect access for walkers.  The new footpath will be put in place once the sand extraction and infilling operations have ceased.


100.7   The substantive recommendation, as amended by the agenda update sheet and changes to conditions, as agreed by the Committee, was proposed by Lt. Cdr. Atkins and seconded by Mr Quinn and was put to the Committee and approved unanimously.


100.8   Resolved – That planning permission be granted subject to amended conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the report,

as agreed by the Committee.


Publication date: 29/07/2019

Date of decision: 26/03/2019

Decided at meeting: 26/03/2019 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: