Decision Maker: Cabinet, County Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Council Plan and Budget report details the County Council’s revenue budget, the level of council tax proposed for 2025/26, the nature of its expenditure, income and budget reductions for a balanced budget to deliver the aims of the refreshed Council Plan. It will also outline the County Council’s Capital Programme to cover the period 2025/26 to 2029/30 which will update the programme previously agreed by County Council.
Cabinet will be asked to endorse the refreshed Council Plan, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme to deliver the Council Plan for approval at County Council on 14 February 2025.
Following consideration of the report the Cabinet endorsed the Council Plan and the County Council Budget for 2025/26, as set out in Appendix A. This included the recommendations listed on page 5 and Annex 1, the updated Council Plan as set out in Annex 1 (Appendix 8), the Capital Strategy set out in Annex 2(a) and the Treasury Management Statement set out in Annex 2(b), for approval by County Council on 14 February 2025.
The call-in deadline is 7 February 2025.
Publication date: 29/01/2025
Date of decision: 29/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Cabinet
Effective from: 10/02/2025
Accompanying Documents: