Decision details

Performance and Resources Report - Quarter 1 2024/25 CAB05 (24/25)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Performance and Resources Report (PRR) details the Council’s position in relation to revenue and capital spending, budget planning, workforce projections, performance and risk management by portfolio against the County Council’s priorities.  The Leader, Cabinet Member for Finance & Property, or Cabinet will be recommended to approve the PRR and any decisions required in relation to budget (revenue or capital), resources and performance management.


Following consideration of the report the Cabinet agreed the proposed changes to the KPI measures detailed in Table 1.

The call-in deadline is 10 October 2024.

Report author: Fiona Morris

Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 01/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 01/10/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 11/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: