Decision details

Proposed Executive-Scrutiny Protocol

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


20.1     The Committee was reminded that in May 2022 it had agreed to the development of an Executive-Scrutiny Protocol to enhance scrutiny by describing the relationship between scrutiny and the Executive (the Cabinet) and providing a framework for how they may work together most effectively. The Committee considered a report by the Director of Law and Assurance (copy appended to the signed minutes) on a draft Protocol which had been developed through engagement with members, including a cross-party workshop in May 2022 and review by the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee in June 2022.


20.2     It was noted that, as a result of the change of date of the Committee, the date on the last page of the draft Protocol on page 50 should be amended to read 27 September 2022. Two minor typographical errors would also be corrected. The Head of Democratic Services reminded members that the development of the protocol had involved cross-party member involvement through an engagement programme agreed by the Committee. A number of wider issues relating to the scrutiny function, not specific to the Protocol, had been raised through this engagement and had been reported to the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee as part of the Scrutiny Annual Report in June 2022.


20.3     Members were supportive of the Protocol and the recommendation that it should be reviewed after one year. A comment was made that the Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee seemed to manage without a Business Planning Group (BPG) and it could be argued that this made its work more transparent. The Head of Democratic Services said there were advantages in that approach as it guarded against the temptation for BPGs to carry out scrutiny, rather than focusing on their role to plan committees’ business. The need for papers to be provided in good time for them to read before meetings was stressed. The Leader agreed that this could be an issue for all members and all committee meetings (not just scrutiny) and should be part of the review of the Protocol in a year’s time.


20.4     In response to a question, the Head of Democratic Services confirmed the intention that Cabinet Members are invited to attend part of a BPG session to provide information on forthcoming issues. She confirmed that the Protocol would be made available to co-opted members on scrutiny committees and would also be published on the website.


20.5     Resolved –


(1)        That the draft Executive-Scrutiny Protocol attached at Appendix A to the report be agreed; and


(2)        That the effectiveness of the Protocol be reviewed after one year.

Publication date: 13/10/2022

Date of decision: 27/09/2022

Decided at meeting: 27/09/2022 - Governance Committee

Accompanying Documents: